There are many changes that both employees and employers face regarding post-pandemic remote work. One effective solution to keep everyone on the same page is the creation of an internal business wiki. Let’s take a closer look at how internal business wikis can help your firm better manage remote teams.
What is an internal business wiki?
Simply put, an internal wiki is a central repository of information. It can have controlled access, with employees and managers able to access only the information that they need. This allows the firm to only need one wiki. Information contained within the platform will let teams collaborate in real-time. Features like activity feeds help to move the conversation along and keep remote workers engaged. Team members will log on to receive updates on project status as well as deliverables and other actionable information. This helps to eliminate version corruption and duplicative efforts, especially for remote workers. In essence, everyone is privy to the same information at the same time without any delay or blind spots.
How can an internal business wiki help?
Even when everyone is working in the same physical office space, it can be difficult to keep all members up to date. This is even more true in remote work or hybrid situations. Corporate set-ups often create information silos, which are detrimental to productivity, collaboration, and efficiency.
Implementing an internal wiki is an effective way to ensure that everyone has the information that they need in a timely manner. A wiki can also provide team members with a place to collaborate and brainstorm new ideas. Remote work has many benefits, but the loss of team collaboration can be a challenge. Creating an information portal along with a collaborative platform solves two of the most commonly cited challenges of managing remote teams.
As more and more companies move to remote or hybrid work setups, mastering topics like knowledge management and digital information management is vital. A robust internal wiki, helps everyone feel engaged and informed, thus boosting overall job satisfaction and productivity. Centralized information and communication also allow managers to maintain a strong sense of what is working and what needs improvement.
Also read: 5 Ways to Make Remote Meetings More Efficient
Tools for managing remote teams
There are a number of effective tools for remote team management. One is personalized feedback for team members. When a performance review is personalized and provides detailed information, it is much more effective for both the firm and the employee.
Providing actionable feedback provides members the opportunity to excel and advance within the organization. This process is another example of how an internal business wiki can help elevate employee performance. Another tool is video conferencing, which is useful to maintain an adequate engagement level for remote teams. As firms adapt to remote work, the effective use of management tools aimed at maintaining engagement is key.
Two of the largest contributors to employee burnout and loss of engagement are feeling isolated or that their efforts are in vain. When a worker has no idea how their tasks fit into a larger project or initiative, they begin to feel like they’re just spinning their wheels. This is also true when they feel that they are going it alone without any support.
By keeping everyone informed, managers can build a strong foundation for team cohesiveness. However, this is often not enough to keep remote teams engaged over the long term. Once there are good communication channels in place, the next step is to capitalize on them. Live collaboration is an extremely effective tool in this environment. There’s no reason to delay taking proactive steps, as once team cohesiveness is lost, it can be very difficult to get back.
Also read: 8 Mistakes To Avoid as a Remote Team
Is it time for your firm to build an internal wiki?
There are a number of great articles helping workers feel more engaged and effective. The same principles and strategies are also relevant to teams. If managers are noticing a drop-off in productivity or engagement, it’s time to take action. In addition to a drop in productivity, isolated workers may also be feeling a dip in job satisfaction. This can create significant problems if not dealt with quickly and effectively. Most workers who feel increasing levels of job dissatisfaction begin looking for other employment options before too long.
Now is a perfect time to learn more about how an internal wiki can help your firm’s remote teams work better together, no matter where they may be. Any firm that wants to continue excelling in a remote work environment will actively benefit from an internal wiki.
Information management, team communication, and cohesiveness are major challenges when it comes to managing remote teams. Fortunately, an internal business wiki can be an effective solution. Providing remote workers with the tools that they need for success is a key part of thriving in a remote environment. Firms that neglect to address these issues are working on borrowed time. Remote workers who feel disengaged will soon lose their sense of job satisfaction, which will have a negative effect on their productivity.
With an internal wiki, it is possible to create and maintain an environment where everyone can excel. There are many effective tools contained within a wiki that is personalized for specific enterprise needs. When remote teams have the capability to access the information that they need, along with the collaborative tools that they want, outcomes will be substantially improved.
If your firm is struggling to adapt to remote work and employee optimization, an internal wiki may be the solution.