Contemplating a day off and want to call in sick? Here is a brief coverage on how to call in sick to work along with the top 10 excuses and sample messages. Read on!
How to call in sick
Getting sick is unavoidable, and everyone occasionally requires time off from work when ill. No one wants to throw up at work. You should not feel forced to come to work when you are unwell.
However, calling in sick to work can be tricky, especially when you have to deal with deadlines or are busy at work. In this blog, we discuss effective techniques like how to call in sick and what to say when calling in sick.
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Top 10 reasons to call out of work in 2021
You might need to take leave unexpectedly for several reasons. Remember, to be honest, do not share too many details, and inform your employer as soon as possible. When you need to take time off work unexpectedly, you may fall behind at work, or a team member may need to fill in. Plan on how you will handle the situation. The top 10 reasons to call out of work are,
- Doctor Appointment
- Sickness
- Family illness or emergency
- Home emergency/car trouble
- Death of love one
- Babysitter canceled/loss of childcare
- Sick pet or pet emergency
- Injuries
- Jury duty
- DMV appointment
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Why be careful before you decide to call in sick?
You may wonder if should I call in sick excuse for calling into work when you are unwell? First, you need to consider your organization’s policy when you are out of work. They may have procedures regarding who to call, when, and how you will inform them.
You need to know the number of sick days you are entitled to and will you get paid. Most employers do offer some form of calling in the sick policy. Familiarize with the company handbook or consult your supervisor regarding the protocol you need to follow if you want to call in sick. Depending on your work, you may be able to work from home instead of going to work.
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Top 7 recommended excuses to call out of work
There are days you cannot make it to work, you may need to take a day off. You may be worried about how to break the news to your boss. If you are looking for excuses to call out of work, make sure it sounds legitimate. Here are the top 10 excuses to call out of work.
1. Calling out sick
Being sick good reason to call off work, if you are sick, avoid coming into work and infecting others. After Covid-19 pandemic, flu is one best sickness excuse. You will not be performing well or be productive. It is better to call out sick and come back to the office when you are better. Even if the disease is not infectious like a migraine, you can be calling off work migraine. You may want to attach your doctor’s note as proof.
2. Family members sick as excuses to call into work
If you have a family member (spouse, partner, child, or parent) that is sick and you need to take care of them, you have excuses to call into work. It is one best excuses to call in sick. You may be able to work from home in this situation.
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3. Calling off work because of mental health day
Sometimes you are jaded and feeling burnout, and you may need some time out to relax. You can use mental health day excuses. It is perfectly alright to need a day to relax or run some errands. Most bosses today understand, especially if it helps to come back to work recharged with renewed energy.
4. Unexpected circumstances to call out of work
There can be unexpected reasons to call out of work besides being sick. You may have to deal with circumstances like your babysitter canceling or a delayed flight when you travel for work. You may not be able to provide backup. You can call out of work when you face unexpected circumstances.
5. Family emergency to call off work
Family emergencies like your child breaking their arm, spouses crash their car on the way to work are reasons for calling out of work last minute. These are situations you do not want to lie about because lying about these emergencies is unacceptable. But genuine family emergencies are acceptable reasons to call off work.
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6. Sick call for doctor’s appointment
A doctor’s appointment for a physician, physiotherapist, or therapist is tough to get. A sick call for your doctor’s appointment is a valid reason for a sick leave message. You need not provide specific details about the doctor’s visit, but your boss may require you to verify it with a doctor’s note. You can provide calling in sick after a 2 weeks’ notice in this case.
7. House emergency excuses for calling out of work
There may be a house emergency like a gas leak, small fire, and plumbing issues that you need to attend to. House emergencies are one of the best reasons to call out of work. You can offer to come in later or work from home while calling out of work.
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5 things to check before you calling in sick
When you are unwell, you want to curl back into your bed and not want to go to work. Check your employee manual on the number of sick days and procedure for informing your supervisor. If you are thinking about calling in sick, you need to check these things before you call in sick.
1. Company policy regarding sickday excuses
Find out how your company classifies time off. Some may lump vacation days and sick days together asking for time off is the same as asking for vacation days. If not, call in early regarding sickday excuses preferably, one hour before work, especially if your boss has to make alternative arrangements.
2. Try to get work done when you call out sick
If you are up to it suggest responsibilities, you can take care of when you are ill. If not, tell your manager when you will make up the missed work. One of the ways how to call in sick to work is to offer to be available by phone or email in case of something urgent.
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3. Consider your track record for reasons to call into work
Be honest and straightforward you need to go into details reasons to call into work. If you are taking frequent sick days, your boss is likely to get suspicious. If you genuinely need time off for your health, do not misuse it, or you may get into trouble.
4. Inform your team of reasons to call in sick
Your boss will not be the only one affected by your absence. Being a good team player involves informing your teammates about your reasons to call in sick. It is especially important if your work involves collaborative efforts or group projects.
5. Know the risk of calling in sick to work 2 days in a row
If you are planning on calling in sick to work 2 days in a row, consider your boss’s nature. For example, your boss may think mental health days should qualify as vacation days. There are risks of using sick days if you are not unwell. Take into account your work situation when asking for sick days.
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5 ways on how to tell your boss you are sick
Companies have formal procedures like – emails, written notes, telephone calls, or texts to explain sick day excuses. Companies need these for documentation. Let them know why you will be unavailable, the length of your absence, and if a colleague can help with any task while you are away. Here are five ways on how to tell your boss you are sick.
1. How to tell your boss you’re sick by being honest
On how to tell your boss you are sick, it is best, to be honest. If you use some reason to call out sick repeatedly, examine why you are avoiding your job so much. If you get caught skipping work on a lie, it can be embarrassing and have repercussions.
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2. How to call in sick to work professionally
One of the ways on how to call in sick to work professionally is by alerting your supervisor as soon as possible. Missing a workday is inconvenient for your colleagues and boss. You need to inform your boss quickly, especially if they have to make an alternative arrangement.
3. Use believable sick day excuses sick at work
You do not have to give elaborate explanations when taking a sick day at work. Use plausible sick day excuses when you want to call in sick. You do not have to share all details with your colleagues or boss. Be polite and professional, but you are not obliged to answer any follow-up questions if you are uncomfortable.
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4. How to tell your boss you have diarrhea
Diarrhea is one of the best excuses for calling in sick to work and reasons to call in sick last minute. It is a common ailment. You may wonder how to tell your boss you have diarrhea. Use phrases like severe gastrointestinal distress if you are embarrassed. Notify your teammates if they need to take part in your workload.
If you want to know how to text your boss you’re sick, you can send a text using professional language. Use complete sentences and punctuation in the text. One or two sentences will suffice. Avoid posting or interacting on social media platforms, or your colleagues or boss may think your absence was a lie.
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Sick text message to boss examples
If company policy allows you to send text in sick, you can opt to send a text message to your supervisor. The text should let your boss know you cannot come to work and when you will return. Below we have given some sick text messages to boss examples you can send.
1. How to tell your boss you are sick by text message
Contact your boss or supervisor directly, you should never send calling in a sick text to your co-worker asking them to do it for you. Here are good sick excuses for work on how to tell your boss you are sick,
I am feeling unwell today, and I will not be able to work efficiently. I need to take a day off.
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2. Send sick text messages as soon as possible
The answer to the question how many hours notice to call in sick, calling in sick when not sick, is to send sick text messages as soon as possible. Your boss may need to find a replacement or delegate urgent work.
I am not feeling well today and need to take a sick day. I will be back to work tomorrow.
3. Avoid unnecessary details in not feeling well message to your boss
When sending a not feeling well message to your boss, use a brief message. Avoid giving in-depth explanations or details, few sentences are adequate.
I started to feel ill last night and am still not better. I need to take a day off.
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4. Be professional call in a sick text message
Texts are an informal way of communicating, but you need to be professional when you send a call in sick text message to your supervisor. You should use proper punctuation and full sentences. Here is calling in sick two days in a row text in sick to work example.
I need to take today and tomorrow off from work. I visited my physician, and I have the flu.
5. Call if your boss does not answer sick text to boss sample
If your boss does not reply to your message, call your boss. It is your responsibility that they report your absence. You can use the following sick text to boss sample.
I won’t be able to come in today due to an unexpected illness.
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How to call out of work by email?
Companies have different protocols that employees need to follow on how to call in sick to work. Some companies require a written explanation about a leave of absence for illness. There are some protocols you should follow while writing your email. Here are some tips on how to tell your boss you are sick email.
Be brief in your writing while calls in sick email example
While informing your boss about your illness make it short and sweet. Avoid elaborate emails. Here is call in a sick example you can use.
I am sending this email to inform you that I cannot come to work today because of the fever I developed last night. I will come back to work tomorrow if my temperature goes back to normal.
Thank you for understanding
2. The number of sick days in the sick email to boss
It is always helpful to mention the number of days you will be out of the office.
I will not be reporting to work because of a bad case of food poisoning. I went to the clinic and my doctor and he recommended I take two days of work. I am enclosing the doctor’s note on food poisoning. I will be available on the phone.
3. Mention if can work in the out sick email
When you calling into work sick, find out if your company expects you to be a call. Some companies may expect you to work from home while others will tell you to rest. Do not feel guilty about taking the day off.
I have a bad cold, and I will be staying at home to make sure I do not spread it. I will try to work if I feel alright, and I have asked Megan to be my backup just in case.
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Calling out of work by a phone call
Companies do understand that you may need a day off for mental health or physical health. Unfortunately, you still need to provide valid reasons to call out of work. You can call your boss and inform them. Here are some tips for calling out of work from your phone.
1. How to sound sick over the phone
One of the ways on how to sound sick over the phone is by calling your supervisor early in the morning. Your voice is generally rough when you wake up, and it will add to your credibility. Keep the conversation short like, – I am having awful stomach problems and will not come in today.
2. How to sound sick on phone
One of the ways on how to sound sick over the phone is talking slowly or softly to indicate your low on strength. Avoid fake coughs or sneezes, or your boss may get suspicious. Phone calls are a good option if there is a trust deficit that you need to address, but you may have a lengthier conversation.
3. Check your company policy calling into work because of weather
Weather updates are provided 24 to 48 hours in advance. If you are calling into work because of weather, check if your company allows for remote work. Ask for call calls to be forwarded to your phone or landline at home. The key is to communicate as soon as possible.

Shubha writes blogs, articles, off-page content, Google reviews, marketing email, press release, website content based on the keywords. She has written articles on tourism, horoscopes, medical conditions and procedures, SEO and digital marketing, graphic design, and technical articles. Shubha is a skilled researcher and can write plagiarism free articles with a high Grammarly score.
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