Searching for the most trending and fancy small business titles. We have a list compiled for you. Read on!
Small Business Titles
What is a business owner? Business owners are individuals or partners that make monetary or operational level decisions in a company. They have ultimate control over the company. There are several synonyms for business owners. The business owner synonym may depend on the type of business. Popular synonyms are entrepreneur, retailers, wholesaler, CEO, and director under small business titles.
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What are small business job titles?
When you are a small business owner, you want to choose the title that fits your position. The business titles you choose should be consistent with the company’s goals. The title should reflect your role. But what is a business title? The business title is a corporate title given to employees to reflect their duties and responsibilities.
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Top 5 business owner titles
Now that you have decided to choose a business jobs titles for your company, we give you some options of small business titles. We have listed the top 5 business owner titles you can choose. Select the one which is best suited to your style.
- CEO or Chief Executive Officer is a common title in the business world. The title will let people know, you are in charge of the company and coveys the company is well established. The title is not appropriate if the sole owner of a business.
- President is a job title that conveys authority. It is ideal if you want to give your business a more established air. When choosing titles for your firm consider how you will add titles as your firm grows.
- Owner is a title used when your firm has not completed the organizational documents. The small business title owner shows complete financial control. Owner is ideal if you own an LLC or sole proprietorship.
- The Proprietor is a synonym for the business owner. The proprietor is an older term and is ideal if you retail business.
- The Founder title has gained popularity in recent years. Several people consider it to be a synonym for a business owner. You are invested in your company’s growth and are involved in the day-to-day operations.
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Top 5 startup titles
Roles in startups are dynamic. The titles in small business owners have to respond. Regardless of the titles on business cards, people working in startups need flexibility. Small business titles list for startups determine the hierarchical structure. Some startup titles in business are,
- Web Developers help to create the code for the website or digital application. They may handle the front-end work or back-end work. Other titles in business for web developers are Chief Technology Officer, Vice President of Engineering, and Tech Guru.
- User Experience Designer or UX designers work on how users interact with the software, apps, or website. Other titles on business are User Interface Designer, User Researcher, and Product designer.
- Product Manager or PM identifies opportunities for new products. They need to project management skills, market research, and business models. Other business development titles for business cards are Chief Product Officer, Product lead, etc.
- Data analysts collect and organize data, check it and make recommendations.
- A Marketer in start-up companies uses traditional marketing skills with new technologies. Small business titles for marketers are Chief marketing officer, director of marketing, etc.
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Top 5 partner titles
A partnership is a business arrangement between two or more people to manage a business and share profits. The partners share profits and liabilities. here are small business owner titles,
- The Manager can oversee specific areas of the business like marketing or finance. A general manager is a perfect job title for small business owners that focus on business strategy. This is one of the common small business titles
- The Administrator is an ideal title for small business owners. Administrators get involved in daily operations.
- The Director of X is useful if the partners help to run the business. The job title for a small business owner can convey the job description.
- Managing Partners are an ideal partnership title. It conveys you are one of the owners of the company.
- The Principal that titles for small business owners show you are a key decision-maker.
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Top 5 LLC member titles
LLC or Limited liability companies have a more flexible structure. Owners of LLC are called members and are one of the commonly found small business titles. An LLC can have one or many members. Members or managers can run an LLC. While shortlisting LLC owner titles remember to choose a title that shows you are in control and ensure LLC titles are not misleading. Here are some business titles for LLC you can consider,
- Owner is used on titles for business owners when there is only one member or a limited number of members.
- Managing Members are great LLC ownership titles. They are involved in the running of the company and can represent the LLC.
- CEO are popular LLC owners titles. Managing members can opt for corporate titles like CEO, President, or CFO.
- Managing Director is used for LLC ownership titles. Some LLCs have a board of directors that meets to discuss company matters.
- The Principal is used in LLC ownership titles. The principal member is a responsible member. They can represent the company in legal matters.
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Top 5 professional titles in small businesses
Job titles in business can vary from the standard (CEO, owners) to specific (head plumber, director of operations). Below we have compiled a small business job titles list.
- CEO or chief executive office is a standard professional title used for small businesses. It shows you are in charge of the whole company. It helps your business look established.
- President is a job title in business that conveys authority. People use president and CEO depending on the hierarchical structure.
- The Principal is another job title for a business used to convey you are the person in charge. It sounds more formal than the owner.
- A Founder is one of the ideal small business titles if you are the founder of the business. The small business position titles, show you know the business and are the person in charge.
- Manager Directors are a great option for job titles in business when there are several owners.
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Top 5 clever job titles in startups
startups are new companies that have identified a gap in the market. They have created products or services to fill the gap. Funny job titles for a business card can help express the brand, show creativity, and progress. Creative business titles you can use among small business titles are,
- Wizard of want (Marketing director) is a clever job title to convey, you want to sell products or services.
- Number Ninja (Director of Accounts) are not very creative jobs. The job titles in business can add some excitement to the position.
- #Mediamaster (Social media manager) is a very important job in a startup. The hashtag in their title is a nod to their job profile.
- Boss of All things (CEO) is at top of the title hierarchy. Boss of all things is a fun way to refer to the CEO.
- Creator of Opportunities can be used to describe the director of business development.
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Top 5 business titles for co-owners
You need to decide the title for the business owner when you start your business. This gets a little more complicated if there are multiple business owners. Here are some job titles for business owners under most commonly used small business titles,
- C-Suite – Owners can use titles to specify the area of expertise. You can use small business CEO (chief executive officer), CFO(chief financial officer), CTO(Chief technical officer), OR COO (chief operating officer).
- Owner Principal is ideal when you want one co-owner to have legal authority.
- Director of X is used if your company is an LLC. Though members denote owners, it does not have a descriptive business owner title. Owners opt for a director of x depending on the role like the director of technology, creative director, etc.
- Co-owner is a simple business owner title you can use. It shows you help in the company’s operation.
- President also implies authority. You can use it as the owner of a company title. You need to be sure the co-owners are fine with the title.
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Top 5 startup founder titles
The term founder shows describe the relationship you have with the business. CEO titles among the common small business titles show the current business titles hierarchy. As a founder, you can be the CEO of the business. But, CEO can change as the business evolves. As a founder, it is important to convey your chief responsibility in the firm. Here are some startup founder titles you can use,
- Founder CEO titles in the business show who has started the company and holds key positions in a small business.
- President and Founder are common titles in the business. It shows you are focused on executing the business plans.
- Director of X is ideal to show the role you play in the company.
- Technical Director – Some small business titles may be director of operations or Technical director.
- The Principal is a synonym for the owner of the startup. The principal titles in the business show you can represent the company in a legal capacity.
- Managing Member shows you are one of the key persons making business decisions.
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Top 5 positions in a small company
Starting a company can be daunting. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses. You can hire staff to fulfill the business position. Here are the top 5 positions in a small company which could be considered among small business titles,
- General Manager is an important position in the management titles hierarchy. The manager oversees the business and works strategies to improve it.
- Bookkeepers or accountants are vital business position titles. They maintain the record cash flow of the company. They help plan financial strategies and ensure compliance.
- Marketing Managers are common business positions titles. They should be someone who can look after all aspects of marketing.
- Administrative Assistants are a key business position. They work on the administrative part of the business and help you focus on getting more business.
- Human Resource Managers are business position titles that hire and manage your staff.
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Top 5 business card titles for owners
As your business grows you need to focus on growth. Owner business cards need careful consideration. The right business card titles for owners will lend your business some credibility. The business card titles for owners let your employees and outsider know your role in the organization. Here are some options for what do you put on a business card as part of small business titles,
- Founder implies that you built the business from the ground up. It shows you are the driving force behind the business. Businesses that have multiple founders can have a co-founder business card.
- CEO or Chief Executive Officer are big thinkers. Founder and CEO business cards are popular options for owners. CEO are people who look after long-term plans and strategies for growth.
- Chief [ insert title here] communicates the part of the business you supervise. Chief [insert tile] can be one of the best job titles in business for large corporations.
- Managing Director/Partner/Member are other titles depending on the ownership pattern of the business. You can use a partner if your business is a partnership. Managing Director can be used for LLC titles for business cards.
- General Manager or GM is another title for small business owners. It shows you are in charge of all aspects of your business.
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Founder vs Owner
The terms owner and founder are often used interchangeably among small business titles. In small companies, the owners and founders are the same people. The difference between founder vs owners is as follows – the owner is the person who owns all the equity in the company while the founder started the company. The separation between owner vs founder becomes significant if the ownership of the company changes. As the company grows it may have co-owners but founders remain constant.
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What is another word for the owner?
The proprietor is another word for a business owner and also one of the commonly used small business titles. Other words for owners are entrepreneur, partners, or founders. They provide the capital and labor to produce products or services for profit. Owners are called partners in partnerships. The partners run the company and are responsible for debts and legal obligations. Founders start the business.
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What is the best job title for someone who does a little of everything?
Someone who does a little of everything is a generalist among small business titles. But no one wants to call Jack of all trades. One of the best jobs you can use is as a business analyst. It can describe a variety of skills and experiences. Businesses can narrow it depending on if they work on the financial side, technical side, etc.
What is the job title for someone who does multiple jobs?
In small companies, small business titles can be confusing because people do multiple jobs. Vendors and clients will respond to you based on your job title. In several situations, you will meet people in more than one capacity. In this situation, you can pick double tile like John Doe, Finance and operations, ABC corporations.
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What is the owner of an LLC called?
Owners of an LLC (A limited liability company) are called members under small business titles. The LLC can have one member or multiple members. The members of the LLC can be a sole proprietorship, partners, member managers, or passive members. A sole proprietorship has one member LLC. Federal tax laws consider LLC with more than one member to be a partnership.
Is the CEO the owner?
No, CEO or chief executive officer is one of the small business titles which is at the highest position in the organization. They are in charge of running the company and making decisions. The CEO is the public face of the company. The owner can have any role within the company. The role can change, depending on the need of the company. An owner is someone who owns 100% of the company.
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What is the difference between CEO and owner?
The difference between owner vs CEO is as follows,
The owner is one of the small business titles where the person who created the product or service of the company. The owner generally focuses on improving the product or service. The owner has major equity in the company. For the business to grow the owner must be willing to delegate. As the business grows the owner must hire executives to run key functions.
CEO or Chief Executive Officer is one of the small business titles and usually appointed by the board of directors. CEO sets long-term goals and handles strategic planning. To create and manage the strategic goals, the CEO must have a strong understanding of finance. They are the pubic face of the company. CEO needs to have a clear understanding of how the business operates.

Shubha writes blogs, articles, off-page content, Google reviews, marketing email, press release, website content based on the keywords. She has written articles on tourism, horoscopes, medical conditions and procedures, SEO and digital marketing, graphic design, and technical articles. Shubha is a skilled researcher and can write plagiarism free articles with a high Grammarly score.
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