If you want to expand your knowledge on how to start planning your finances, Reddit personal finance communities are a great place to begin and get your questions answered. In this post, we list out the best subreddits.
What is personal finance?
Personal finance is a concept to manage money that includes investments and savings. On a broad level, it caters to all the financial services related to an individual or a household. It can be insurance, budgets, bank accounts, mortgages, taxes, future planning, and real estate.
Reddit personal finance forum consists of several communities called subreddits which handle various categories of personal finance. You can create or participate in the discussion threads and also comment on them.
Reddit community
Reddit community is a type of social media platform. The community consists of various forums or subreddits. Each of the subreddit has a name and purpose behind it. The curators of the content in them are individuals who are experts or are seeking guidance on a topic. The content is up-voted or down-voted by the community members, depending on their relevance and their utility. So you can expect a democratic mechanism with potentially good information shared filtering out unnecessary redundant content.
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21 Best subreddits on personal finance
Let us now explore the list of subreddits on personal finance that are popular and useful. They are the vest Reddit threads; highly engaging with quality discussions and are well curated. The threads are all part of the Reddit personal finance community forum.
1. r/personalfinance
r/personalfinance is the best subreddit of all time in the community dealing with personal finance. The size of the community is almost 14.8 Million. It deals with a number of topics like budgeting, investment, retirement planning, credit, debts, savings planning and many more. Prime Directive is one of its key guides on personal finance.
Members: 14.8 Million
2. Reddit financial independence
Reddit financial independence or r/financialindependence forum deals mainly with techniques and methodologies for being financially independent as the name suggests. The financial independence reddit community as almost 966K members. Every day it has a “Daily FI Thread” for addressing issues and concerns.
Members: 966K
3. Reddit fatfire
Reddit fatfire or r/fatFIRE community deals with wealth and financial independence as well as early retirement planning. It has 209K members at present. The community runs multiple threads related to wealth planning after losing a job, hiring employees or personal assistants, buying and selling of investments, savings planning guidance etc.
Members: 209K
4. Reddit frugal
Reddit frugal or r/Frugal is one of the active personal finance reddit communities that deal with different aspects of frugality. The member count in this forum is almost 2 Million which is quite huge. The subreddit serves as a directory for the other reddit personal finance communities like cheapmeals, budgetfood, and simpleliving. It conducts weekly threads for sharing your hauls and finding the same.
Members: 2M
5. Reddit poverty finance
r/povertyfinance is a subreddit that deals with discussions that are centered around providing financial advice and guidance. Its key concept is the wiki resource page. The community hosts a number of supportive threads.
Members: 897K
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6. Reddit student loans
Reddit student loans subreddit – r/StudentLoans focuses on discussions, guidance and information related to student loans. Some of its common threads include how to repay a student loan, the best way to apply and get a loan, verification of the repay interest rate.
Members: 122K
7. Reddit credit cards
Reddit credit cards – r/CreditCards subreddit helps in finding out information related to credit cards and the best ways to pay off a credit card balance.The key threads of this community are the stories posted by individuals on how they have become debt-free from their credit card balance.
Members: 515K
8. Passive income reddit
Passive income reddit or r/Passive_Income is a community focusing on how to create passive income streams. The subreddit has multiple threads where people share their expertise and experience on how successfully they have created passive income over and above active income.
Members: 183K
9. Reddit real estate investing
Reddit real estate investing – r/realestateinvesting deals with discussions, experiences and information related to real estate investing. Some of its key threads are advice on selling rental property, buying property with zero downpayments, hard money lending and so on.
Members: 1.1M
10. Dave Ramsey Reddit
Dave Ramsey Reddit – r/DaveRamsey subreddit guides people to be relieved of their debt and be financially stable and peaceful by following the rules and principles stated by Dave Ramsey. Some of the key threads running in the forum are emergency funds, mortgage, self business, owning assets etc.
Members: 68.8K
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11. Roth ira Reddit
r/RothIRA community discusses issues related to Roth Individual retirement account (IRA). The IRA mandates paying of taxes when money goes into the account but then afterwards the future withdrawals are tax-free. Some interesting discussions in the forum are related to best mutual funds for Roth ira, fidelity investments Roth ira and others.
Members: 4K
12. Reddit side hustles
r/SideHustle is a subreddit that has discussions and information related to a side hustle. By side hustle, we mean multiple streams of income that may turn out to be a permanent job, can help in paying off debt and bring in a sense of satisfaction.
Members: 61K
13. Reddit tax refund
Reddit tax refund is a part of a subreddit called Refundchamps. You can discuss tax refunds in this community forum. The threads are focused on current refunds strategies and also helping out people on refund issues.
Members: 4.9K
14. Reddit debt free
Reddit debt-free is a community which deals with discussions and issues on how to stay debt-free. The key threads running on the forum are on debt management, debt settlement, advice on how to handle debts, journey to debt freedom and many more.
Members: 22.7K
15. Reddit investing
Reddit investing or investing for beginners Reddit is taglined as “Lose money with friends”. There are daily discussion threads in this forum on investments. The forum hosts discussions on mutual funds, stocks, cash reserves, bonds and many more.
Members: 2M
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16. Reddit wallstreetbets
r/wallstreetbets is a forum or subreddit where the information, norms, guidelines and announcements related to Wall Street are discussed. You can engage in the daily discussion threads and what are your moves tomorrow threads for details related New York Stock Exchange, US brokerage and investments.
Members: 11.3M
17. Reddit budget
The r/Budget helps in finding out solutions on building up a robust and effective financial plan and budget. The common and popular threads in the subreddit are tips on reducing spending, help to come out with a budget, ISO new lifestyle budget advice and many more.
Members: 18.7K
18. Reddit bogleheads
Reddit bogleheads – r/Bogleheads deals with passive index investing. The name has been given on the basis of Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard. In this forum, you can explore and find out discussions related to Bogle’s theory on simple, low cost, tax-efficient and broadly diversified investment.
Members: 119K
19. life insurance Reddit
There is an insurance subreddit which has discussions on different kinds of insurance. Life insurance is one of them. You can seek information related to life insurance, know how to detect frauds and report the same and many more.
Members: 63.1K
20. Reddit banking
r/Banking, deals with different concepts of banking. It may be savings, checking or cash deposits. The common threads focus on credit cards, interest rates, money transfer, usage of Zelle and so on.
Members: 43.6K
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21. Reddit cryptoCurrrency
This subreddit mainly deals with news, analysis and discussions related to cryptocurrency. There are daily discussion threads and giveaways. An interesting debate posted in the forum – Binance is the largest holder of bitcoin, does that make them a sort of a bank?
Members: 4.1 Million
Best Reddit personal finance tips
Here are some of the best Reddit personal finance tips which you can refer to for your assistance and guidance for the future or for your current state of affairs. The Reddit finance tips are provided by experts and financial advisors, hence are bound to be trustworthy.
Tips on money hacks
On the Reddit personal finance or r personalfinance forum, there is an interesting tip on money hack. It says “Think twice before spending to save”. Even if there are good deals available and you may think that you are saving money, but with that temptation, you are actually spending more money.
How to invest Reddit tips
In the investing thread and under how to invest Reddit tips, one of the popular posts is – “What is your best investing tip for youngsters?” The suggestion is to go for small companies and safe investment opportunities like a basic exchange-traded fund (ETF).
One of the Reddit stock tips
As part of the subreddit forum on stock_picks, you can discuss on day to day trading issues. One such discussion is on – four – 100 per cent stock growth in the forecast; where they talk about Shift4 payments, Starlink and Yahoo Finance.
Budgeting tips
In the Reddit budget forum, a thread in progress is about tips on reducing spending. The discussion is focused on tracking the budget using an app. Check out the overspending elements and curb them as much as possible.
Reddit personal finance flowchart
Under the Indiainvestments forum, you can get the Reddit personal finance flowchart. It shows the steps for maintaining personal finance like budgeting, emergency fund, insurance and setting of goals for future savings, expenses and investments.
Tips on how to make money online
Coming to tips on how to make money online on Reddit, here is an interesting thread in the subreddit for personal finance. The topic on how to make money on Reddit focuses on Real ways to make extra cash online at home. The thread suggests for part-time jobs, type of jobs to be taken up and so on.
Reddit refinance discussion
In the personal finance forum for Reddit, refinance is a discussion element. One of the threads on it focuses on What does refinancing mean and how it is useful. You can understand the concept of refinancing and its different aspects.
Passive income ideas Reddit
One of the passive income ideas Reddit forum provides is on – “How do I create passive income with no particular skills?” Here you can get recommendations on how to gain passive income in areas related to your talent or skill.
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Pros and cons of Personal finance subreddits
Personal finance subreddits may be financial advisor Reddit, wholesaling real estate Reddit, banking reddit and many more. They help a lot in understanding the concept of personal finance and guidance on any issues or problems encountered.
But you need to be cautious while deciding on which advice or recommendation to accept. Any kind of wrong decision may result in financial loss. The forums are for advisory purposes not as legal help.

Kuntala is a versatile writer with a focus on diverse areas around work, productivity, collaboration at work, hiring, management, HR, and training. Her background of past experience in technology and consulting helps in molding razor-sharp insights into the research and user-focused content she creates. Professionally she is an IT consultant in a sales role and also a writer of short stories and poems, travel blogger, and fashion influencer.
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