Here are the Top 20 Angular interview questions for experienced developers. Let’s get started!
Experienced developers may be asked Angular experienced interview questions on subjects including performance optimization, security consideration, deployment techniques, and interaction with other technologies, and advanced Angular concepts like lazy loading, reactive programming, and Angular Universal.
During the Angular interview questions for experienced professionals, the developer may need to demonstrate problem-solving skills by answering real world coding challenges and scenario-based questions. Here are some Angular interview questions for experienced developers.
Angular interview questions for 1 year experience
Candidates with 1 year experience should focus on Angular fresher interview questions and Angular ui developer interview questions. Here are top Angular interview questions for 1 year experience
1.What are the essential components of Angular?
The essential features of Angular are –
- Components – Components are building blocks of an Angular applications. Each component consists of TypeScript class containing a decorator, an HTML template, and styles.
- Template – Templates are in the form of HTML tags that are present in components. These template are used to declare how a component must be rendered.
- Modules – Modules are also considered as building blocks in Angular. However, modules have a specific set of capabilities or workflow.
- Services – Service could be broadly defined as a class with a well-defined purpose.
- Metadata – Metadata is used to add data to a class. This data helps Angular understand how a class needs to be processed.
2.What does Angular Material mean?
Angular Material is a UI component library that allows professionals to develop consistent, attractive, and completely functional websites, web pages, and web applications. It becomes capable of doing so by following modern principles of web designing, such as graceful degradation and browser probability.
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Angular interview questions for 2 years-experience
Angular coding interview questions are perfect if you preparing for Angular interview questions for 2 years-experience.
1.What are Pipes in Angular?
Pipes are simple functions designed to accept an input value, process, and return as an output, a transformed value in a more technical understanding. Angular supports several built-in pipes. However, you can also create custom pipes that cater to your needs.
Some key features include:
- Pipes are defined using the pipe “|” symbol.
- Pipes can be chained with other pipes.
- Pipes can be provided with arguments by using the colon (:) sign.
2.What is the PipeTransform interface?
As the name suggests, the interface receives an input value and transforms it into the desired format with a transform() method. It is typically used to implement custom pipes.
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from ‘@angular/core’;
export class DemopipePipe implements PipeTransform{
transform (value: unknown, ….args:unknown[]):unknown {
return null;
Angular interview questions for 3 years-experience
Angular technical interview questions are to be expected for all developer roles. The top Angularjs interview questions and answers for 3 years-experience are –
1.What is the scope?
In Angular, a scope is an object that refers to the application model. It is a context in which expressions can be executed. These scopes are grouped hierarchically, comparable to the DOM structure of the application. A scope aids in the propagation of various events and the monitoring of expressions
2.What are annotations in Angular ?
These are language features that are hard-coded. Annotations are merely metadata that is set on a class to reflect the metadata library. When a user annotates a class, the compiler adds an annotations property to the class, saves an annotation array in it, and then attempts to instantiate an object with the same name as the annotation, providing the metadata into the constructor. Annotations in AngularJs are not predefined, therefore we can name them ourselves.
Angular interview questions for 4 years-experience
Angular developer interview questions may focus on a candidate’s experience with Angular, including their understanding of the framework’s architecture, ability to build and maintain components, directives, services, and Angular security interview questions. Practical experience and a strong understanding of Angular concepts are key to success in these Angular interview questions for 4 years-experience.
1.How to implement security in Angular?
Top 5 Best Practices for Angular App Security
- Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Block HTTP-related vulnerabilities.
- Avoid risky Angular APIs.
- Don’t customize Angular files.
- Stay updated with the latest Angular library.
2.How to write Best Practices Applications?
As per experts, be careful when developing Angular apps,
- We keep and watching the latest version of Angular.
- Don’t try to add hacks or modify to Angular generates files.
- Avoid Angular’s Security Risk.
- Also, avoid direct use of the DOM APIs.
- Try to use offline template compiler.
- Try to prevent CSRF or XSRF attacks in your web apps.
- Try to prevent JSON data in your web apps.
Also read: Technical Interview Questions | Top 30 critical questions
Angular interview questions for 5 years-experience
There so many Angular topics you need to revise while preparing for an interview. Angular unit testing interview questions are popular questions in technical rounds.
1.What is the difference between unit, integration, and e2e tests?
- Unit Tests sits at the base of the Testing Pyramid. This means they take lesser time to code and classes that you are testing should be more isolated. For example, a Login Feature normally has Validation and Authentication logic. They should be written in two separate classes like LoginValidator and LoginAuthenticator. Based on these two classes, you write test scripts.
When you try to test Networking functions, like in LoginAuthenticator, you should use Mock Response to test for both positive and negative responses.
- Integration Tests sits at the next level after Unit Tests. Here, you will use Real Network Responses, by hitting the real server endpoint, and test that the small units you have written are able to work together.
- UI Testing automates repetitive tasks to ensure that your most critical UI interactions keep working as you’re adding new features or refactoring your app’s codebase. It may also help new developers to understand the app as they just need to run the UI Test once, he is able to see the automated test script running the app and interpret the app’s user journey from there.
Going back to the example of a Login Feature, UI Tests will
- Tap on the Username.
- Key in “Username”.
- Tap on Password.
- Key in “******”.
- Tap on Submit.
Here the script will mock a success or failure response to move the app to the next screen, or show an alert box if failed.
- End-to-End (E2E) Tests are like how Integration Tests works for Unit Tests, E2E Tests should test the user journeys of the app by using Real Network Response by hitting the Real server endpoints.
2.What are the Test functions available in Angular?
- describe() – Test suit (just a function)
- it() – The spec or test
- expect() – Expected outcome.
Triple Rule of Testing –
- Arrange – Create and Initialize the Components
- Act – Invoke the Methods/Functions of Components
- Assert – Assert the expected outcome/behaviour
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Angular interview questions for 6 years-experience
In this section we have focused on interview question for 6 years experienced.
1.What are some disadvantages of using Angular?
Although Angular provides quite a lot of benefits, there are some disadvantages of using it as well. They are as follows:
- Getting good SEO results on an Angular application can be a bit difficult and may need a bit of configuration.
- Angular has a lot of features packed into it, so getting to know each of them and learning how to use them effectively together can be a little difficult.
- Angular can add quite a lot of weight to your JavaScript bundle, so using it for smaller projects can be very inefficient and may significantly increase the load size.
2.What are the differences between Angular decorator and annotation?
In Angular, decorators are design patterns that help in the modification or decoration of the respective classes without making changes in the actual source code.
Annotations, on the other hand, are used in Angular to build an annotation array. They use the Reflective Metadata library and are a metadata set of the given class.
Angular interview questions for 7 years-experience
Interview questions for Angular developers with 7-years can be challenging. You may be asked Angular lifecycle interview questions. Here are some typical Angular interview questions for 7 years-experience
1.What are lifecycle hooks in Angular? Explain a few lifecycle hooks.
Every component in Angular has a lifecycle, and different phases it goes through from the time of creation to the time it’s destroyed. Angular provides hooks to tap into these phases and trigger changes at specific phases in a lifecycle.
- ngOnChanges( ) This hook/method is called before ngOnInit and whenever one or more input properties of the component change.
This method/hook receives a SimpleChanges object which contains the previous and current values of the property. - ngOnInit( ) This hook gets called once, after the ngOnChanges hook.
It initializes the component and sets the input properties of the component. - ngDoCheck( ) It gets called after ngOnChanges and ngOnInit and is used to detect and act on changes that cannot be detected by Angular.
We can implement our change detection algorithm in this hook. ngAfterContentInit( ) It gets called after the first ngDoCheck hook. This hook responds after the content gets projected inside the component. - ngAfterContentChecked( ) It gets called after ngAfterContentInit and every subsequent ngDoCheck. It responds after the projected content is checked.
- ngAfterViewInit( ) It responds after a component’s view, or a child component’s view is initialized.
- ngAfterViewChecked( ) It gets called after ngAfterViewInit, and it responds after the component’s view, or the child component’s view is checked.
- ngOnDestroy( ) It gets called just before Angular destroys the component. This hook can be used to clean up the code and detach event handlers.
2.What is Change Detection, and how does the Change Detection Mechanism work?
The process of synchronizing a model with a view is known as Change Detection. Even when utilizing the ng Model to implement two-way binding, which is syntactic sugar on top of a unidirectional flow. Change detection is incredibly fast, but as an app’s complexity and the number of components increase, change detection will have to do more and more work.
Change Detection Mechanism-moves only ahead and never backward, beginning with the root component and ending with the last component. This is what one-way data flow entails. The tree of components is the architecture of an Angular application. Each component is a child, but the child is not a parent. A $digest loop is no longer required with the one-way flow.
Also read: Top 20 Angular version interview questions
Angular interview questions for 8 years-experience
Preparing Angular questions for interview can be daunting. These Angular architecture interview questions can help you feel better prepared. Here are some Angular interview questions for 8 years-experience-
1.How do you explain Angular architecture?
Angular is an MVC framework that has detailed diagrams on how to create the application and how to pass data between the view and the controller. It also provides bi-directional data flow so that the markup is not altered.
2.Can you explain various ways of component communication in Angular?
- Data sharing between parent and one or more child components using the @Input() and @Output() directives.
- Data sharing using an Angular service
- Using state management, like NgRx
- Read and write data to local storage
- Pass data via URL parameters
3.What is transpiling in Angular ?
Transpiling is the process of transforming the source code of one programming language into the source code of another. Typically, in Angular, this implies translating TypeScript to JavaScript. TypeScript (or another language like as Dart) can be used to develop code for your Angular application, which is subsequently transpiled to JavaScript. This occurs naturally and internally.
Angular interview questions for 10 years-experience
In this section we have focused on interview question for 10 years experienced.
1.What is Change Detection, and how does the Change Detection Mechanism work?
The process of synchronizing a model with a view is known as Change Detection. Even when utilizing the ng Model to implement two-way binding, which is syntactic sugar on top of a unidirectional flow. Change detection is incredibly fast, but as an app’s complexity and the number of components increase, change detection will have to do more and more work.
Change Detection Mechanism-moves only ahead and never backward, beginning with the root component and ending with the last component. This is what one-way data flow entails. The tree of components is the architecture of an Angular application. Each component is a child, but the child is not a parent. A $digest loop is no longer required with the one-way flow.
2.What is transpiling in Angular ?
Transpiling is the process of transforming the source code of one programming language into the source code of another. Typically, in Angular, this implies translating TypeScript to JavaScript. TypeScript (or another language like as Dart) can be used to develop code for your Angular application, which is subsequently transpiled to JavaScript. This occurs naturally and internally

Shubha writes blogs, articles, off-page content, Google reviews, marketing email, press release, website content based on the keywords. She has written articles on tourism, horoscopes, medical conditions and procedures, SEO and digital marketing, graphic design, and technical articles. Shubha is a skilled researcher and can write plagiarism free articles with a high Grammarly score.
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